A Front Door

Ending homelessness one front door at a time.

When was the last time you thought about your front door?

For many of us, when we close our front doors we have a sense of safety and security we might take for granted. For many of us, we know where we will sleep at night. 

For many others, this same safety, security, and peace of mind is not guaranteed.

A Front Door, Incorporated aims to provide that sense of security by developing subsidized housing, transitional housing, and shelter bed space to those in our communities who struggle to find affordable housing. Our mission is to aid individuals that are homeless and qualify or currently hold a rent subsidy in the form of Section 8, HUD VASH (Veteran Subsidy), HOM Inc. (Mental Health subsidy provider), or other government provided subsidies.

Why it Matters

Currently there are not enough options for those who need subsidized housing. The Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) Priced Out Analysis shows no place in the U.S. housing market where a person can live solely on supplemental security income without rental assistance.

According to Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Point in Time (PIT) count, there are over 7,000 people currently homeless in Maricopa County. This is an increase of nearly 1,000 people from the 2019 PIT Count! The number of homeless people living in shelters rose 11% and those not living in shelters rose 18% year over year. By creating permanent and transitional housing, we create safer living environments for those suffering from homelessness while decreasing the number of people without a front door.

With funding, strategic partners, and community support, we can house over 100 people within one year based on available land in opportunity zones and the ability to create multi-unit apartment buildings. We can offer the safety, security, and peace of mind that comes with a front door.

The Process

A Front Door, Inc. has strategically researched and developed a comprehensive plan that will decrease our growing population of people suffering from homelessness in Maricopa County.


We plan to finance these projects with fundraising events, donations, grants, loans, and partnerships.

An Invitation

We invite you to join our effort to reduce the despair of homelessness by contacting us at:

email: afrontdoorllc@gmail.com